I salute our War Heroes!I am not a blind supporter of war. I am well aware how our brothers fight in Vanni. Some sacrifice their lives. Some sacrifice their limbs; They have to live their entire life being dependent. Some even sacrifice eyes etc. The ground situation is not as beautiful and colorful as policca's and most media draw.
Think about the families of war heroes. There are over 50,000 soldiers deployed in vanni, there will be hundred thousands praying every night that their son,brother,father or husband would be safe. They are spending everyday hoping that the bad news will not come to them. Everytime they hear "bad" news, they will be calling to check if their loved one is still alive.
I salute all the family members of the War Heroes!
We must not forget that the terror carders who die in the battle are also human beings with families. They have sacrificed their lives for what they believe.
If you really think hard, you will realize that the ones who die from the both ends are brave, energetic youngsters who could have done a lot develop this country. yeah, a lot to develop our economy, living standard.Both parties spent millions ideally should have spent on development projects and research.
But we just had to fight!
PS:I DO NOT by any means say the "peace talks period" was any good. It was more like "a break" for ltte to buy more weapons and re-group. Remember the string of claymore attacks and closing of Mavillaur anicut? It was not a "peace", more like a "war preparation time". Like many Sri Lankans, I highly doubt ltte leaders will ever come for genuine peace talks.